Miscellaneous Memorabilia

Random memorabilia with no natural home elsewhere on the site, in roughly chronological order.


Gentle backstage advice from the SM (early shows circa 1976)

Christmas Dinner 1976
Membership card 1976/77
LURG v URB football match, 16/Feb 1977

From vol. 3 of the scrapbooks. Post-match interview audio here.

Part used LURG cheque book, late 1977

Account probably closed due to Barclays boycott.

Nameplate from the shared Theatre Group/Revue Group office in the SU building

Thankfully, no longer with the door attached.

New Exec 1978

A news item about the newly elected LURG exec, with some admirably vague padding
and gratuitous Nuns and Lovers bashing, from the 17/Jan/1978 issue of SCAN

Bert Lion

Mike Day's "Bert Lion" character was adopted as a LURG mascot in 1978.
Posters were produced to promote the "brand" (!) ...

Hey Big Spender ...

Tim signs his own expenses cheque for 70p.

RAG asks for our help ...

Despite headed paper, this was for RAG 79. We didn't participate.

3rd Birthday

Invitation to LURG's birthday celebration January 1979.

Vinbofer restaurant card

From end-of-year dinner, June 1979.

Two membership cards circa 1980
Newsletter June 1980

Described thus in the scrapbook:
"At one point in the Burton/Sandles style Revue Group members began to mutter about the standard of intelligibility of newssheets - So to satisfy dissention this double sheet was produced. The next week saw a return to the old style nonsense much more fun I thought, and still think. Patrick."

Last Mike Savage newsheet

Mike Savage's valedictory message to the troops, late 1982. Quote:
"ha ha you m.f.'s it's too late to no confidence me now"

25th anniversary reunion, 2001

In true LURG tradition, a vote was required.
It is not clear whether the STV voting system was used to determine the outcome of Section 2.