Annual Awards

Initiated in 1977, the LURG awards became a fixture in the Group's social calendar, announced at the end of year dinner.

Voting form and winners' certificates (1977)

Other winners in the 1977 awards included ...
Best upstager/ham : Colin Webb
Most lines forgotten : Colin Webb
Most unnecessary ad-libber : Colin Webb
Biggest Prat : A 3-way tie between [legal action pending]:

Voting form and winners' certificates (1978)
Voting form and winners' certificates (1979)

Other winners in the 1979 awards included ...
Best Sketch : French Song
Best Ham : Ross Wilson
Biggest Gossip : Alistair Gault
Biggest Shit-stirrer : Alistair Gault
Biggest Piss-artist : Terry Melia
Worst Line-learner : Larry Shulruff
Most Typecast Person : Fred Hill as Fred Hill

Voting form and a winners cerificate (1980)
Voting form (1981)
Voting form (1982)

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